Video AD: "like and comment"

Started by Siddo 2024-07-22 at 03:42
2 replies to this topic
Loyal Member
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Hi Admin.
Kindly Check AD, as Even After Re-Playing to Meet the 30 Sec. Validation-Time,
AD Didn't Credit

Loyal Member
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Video ADs NOT Crediting
Удалённая работа на дому
Advertisement validated!
$0.0010 were NOT credited in your account.
« Last Edit: 2024-07-24 at 13:40 by Siddo »
Loyal Member
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Quote: Siddo
Video ADs NOT Crediting
Удалённая работа на дому
Advertisement validated!
$0.0010 were NOT credited in your account.

ADs That NEED Replay/Pause & Play Actions, are N0T Crediting